Sunday, January 26, 2020
Management In Retail Asda Information Technology Essay
Management In Retail Asda Information Technology Essay The wide spread growth of business which consists of several functionalities lead to the invention of Enterprise resource planning system with better customer management system.. Also the increased use of computers and internet has encouraged many organizations to do business online. Most of the businesses try to interact with their potential and existing customers through internet via opinions on blogs, online discussion forums, and consumer product review websites. Any organization with a close consumer base like the should think how to use web 2.0 applications to enhance the business. Especially the large retail companies with large customer base should use the latest technologies like web 2.0 to be competitive and to provide better customer service. Currently many large retail organizations like many large-scale supermarkets have managed to incorporate Enterprise resource planning in to their business. Further, the customer management plays a very critical role on the success of those businesses. The organizations, which are providing excellent customer service, have better competitive advantage over the others who do similar businesses. A brief introduction about Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer service management and Web 2.0 will help the readers to understand the research better. Firstly, ERP, which is an abbreviation for Enterprise Resource Planning, which is basically an integration of business management practices and modern technology. Information Technology (IT) is integrated with the other business processes such as Human resources, Finance etc in order to achieve the business objectives of the company. ERP consists of three most important components; Business Management Practices, Information Technology and Specific Business Objectives. Moreover, it is a huge software architecture, which helps to integrate information of the functional units of large businesses that are geographically scattered. . Customer management system aimed at improving the relationship between enterprises and customers. Many companies, to learn more about the customer needs and behaviors in order to build a strong relationship with them. This process also help those companies to gather information about customers, sales, marketing effectiveness, responsiveness and market trends which will help them to be competitive in their businesses. This dissertation will critically analyse the impact of Customer Relationship Management in ASDA and to analyse the ways in which it can be successfully used to gain competitive advantage. The answer is sought through a comprehensive analysis of the retail companies such as large supermarkets that uses Information Technology and engaged in Customer Relationship Management to improve their businesses. . Further, Expert opinions in regard to this subject, through interviews and questionnaires, will be sought from those companies to suggest new ways to enhance the business opportunities by mitigating the potential risk with the use of these systems. Problem definition Based on the research done on current IT field, I found that web 2.0 is very popular between everyone. And to relate it to more practical scenario, I decided to do a research on how this can be successfully put in to practice for the improvement of information sharing. Further, customer Management, which plays a key role in those companies and to find a better method to improve the customer Management through the information sharing with the new technology like web 2.0. Research questions The following research problems and questions can be used to analyze this problem to find an effective way to solve the problems. Main Question What are the important aspects of Customer Relationship Management in a retail outlet and how Information Technology can be used to enhance its functionality? (Enterprise resource planning systems and the use of web 2.0 for information sharing) Sub Questions What is CRM and what it means to retail organizations? The use of Information Technology in a retail outlet? Opportunities and risks of web 2.0 to a retail organization and the ways in which it can be handled to gain completive advantage over other competitors? How can retail organisation like ASDA, can incorporate information technology in to the business to improve its customer relationship management? The CRM models that can guide to build successful leading retail businesses. Aims and Objective Based on the research done on the retail outlet such as ASDA were customer relationship management plays a key role in its survival. With the current technological advancement the Information technology plays a key role. With such requirements, I found that web 2.0 is very popular between everyone. And to relate it to more practical scenario, I decided to do a research on how this can be successfully put in to practice for the improvement of information sharing. Further, customer Management, which plays a key role in those companies and to find a better method to improve the customer Management through the information sharing with the new technology like web 2.0. And also in this internet age everything done via web applications and therefore the Web 2.0 plays a key role in the future development of Business like retail outlets were customer uses internet to buy goods and services. Framework The related research is structured in the following way: As a primary step of the thesis undertaken, I would like to focus on the literature review to undergo a thorough study in the field of CRM to find out the risks and opportunities exist for an organization to adopt these popular tools to the improvement and productivity of the business. As a secondary step, with the knowledge gained from these studies, the survey is to be carried out in two phases. In the first phase of the survey involve designing and distributing survey questionnaires among the friends and colleges who works or shops at a retail outlet like ASDA with in UK . As a second phase of the survey involve follow up interviews with the respondents to gather further information in the relevant areas which are covered in the questionnaires. At the end the data collected through these phases are analysed to come up with some suggestions that can help the organization to attain benefits through IT. Gantt Chart It is a tool developed by Henry Gantt in 1917, to provide a simple visual representation of the task or activities that make up a research project. In this the research time scale can be divided into sub stages and each main activity can be scheduled according a time limit. The time we estimated each task is represented by the length of an associated horizontal bar, whilst the tasks start and finish times are represented on the tile line.(Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill, 2009) (Refer Appendix -1 -Dissertation schedule) Literature Review 2.1 Introduction about CRM. Wikipedia defines Customer relationship management (CRM) as a broadly recognized, widely-implemented strategy for managing and nurturing a companys interactions with clients and sales prospects (Wiki, 2010). CRM uses the technology is used to organize and automate business processes such as sales activities, marketing, customer service and technical support. But the ultimate goal of CRM is attract new clients, keep the existing clients happy and save cost in marketing and customer service. Many organizations build their own databases that describe about customer and their relationship with the organization that enable the management and sales people to offer products and services that suits the customer expectations. Generally the application architecture of the CRM has three important parts namely operational CRM, Analytical CRM and collaborative CRM. Operational CRM is to handle the front office business processes including customer service, marketing and sales, whereas the analytical CRM focus on analysing the customer segments based on the data collected within Operational CRM. Finally the collaborative CRM help the organization to interact with customers using all the available channels to find solution that bring all the entities together in order for the company to provide better service to its customers. The new technology inventions and the use of internet have brought new ways of doing business. The companys future success and its profitability is heavily depends on how that company treats its customers, that is why many companies including retailers invest heavily on improving the ways of doing business to improve customer satisfaction. Firms develop strategies and technologies for implementing better customer service management to be profitable in the current intensive and dynamic market environment (Pani and Venugopal, 2008). There are many current IT developments in the retail sector that can help the retailers to gain competitive advantage over its competitors. Following IT systems such as Self checkout systems, new multimedia displays, electronic shelf labelling, and fraud detection systems, U-Scan (the worlds widely used self checkout systems), Loss prevention software and Corema (helping retailers to create deliver and track loyalty programs and targeted offers and promotions) are used by many retailers to gain customer satisfaction. Further, the emerging technology like intelligent agents can be used as a tool to achieve e-CRM in internet. 2.2 Evaluation of Digital Media The rise of the internet in 90s created a new mechanism to distribute information among people. In the PC era the physical data is stored in digital form in to CDs and flash drives but, with the wide use of internet the web 2.0 technology emerged to enable two way , many to many communication via internet in the form of feedback, ideas, reviews and recommendations which encourages the participation of the interested parties. The following four developments are the crucial milestones that the internet media has gone through in the past decade. The primary development can be stated as the development of website communities that can be considered as an originator of the current time wikis and blogs, which is followed by the introduction of rich site summery (RSS) which is used to manage the frequently updated contents. The next milestone of this development process was the introduction of search engine marketing where the advertisement is returned just in time. The Googles Ad Words is one such example of this which helps many small businesses to reach many new customers. The final developments was the introduction of behavioural targeting which creates a profile based on the user history and other information to target the customers according to their preferences. (Shih,2009) 2.3 Web 2.0 The web communication technology field has emerged through different innovations. The latest revolution in this field is called Web 2.0 . It was considered as the first phase of web evolution. This concept was first identified during a conference brainstorming session between OReilly and MediaLive International. Web 2.0 doesnt have a hard defined boundary therefore, It can be simply described as a set of principles and practices that tie together a veritable solar system of sites that demonstrate some or all of those principles, at a varying distance from that core (O Reilly,2005). Finding a common definition for web 2.0 was a tedious task for the researchers. Therefore , we can come to a common understanding by analysing the definitions that are given by different researchers in this field. According to Tim OReilly: Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform. Chief among those rules is this: Build applications that harness network effects to get better the more people use them. Former Vice President of Product Management at Google Adam Bosworth describes Web 2.0 as rich intelligent clients who share information across the web and deal with richer media (photos, sound, video). Although different people have different opinion about web 2.0, all of them agree that it is a better we communication platform which has the ability to harness collective intelligence, enhance the user participation and collaboration. Therefore, we all agree on the fact that it brings new cutting edge opportunity for the overall users. The second phase of the web evolution is emerging and it is called Web3.0 . During Web 1.0 era the contents are purely created by the producers for the users to share among them. But during the Web 2.0 the users have given the chance to participate equally in the content creation. Finally the Web 3.0 has brought the users more closely to the machines so that both the producers and users can create more interactive dynamic contents. Users and developers define Web 3.0 as personalization of the Web. The primary target of web 3.0 is connecting different set of data that is produced by different people in different places so that the limitations that exist in Web 2.0 can be eliminated to improve the benefits that it bring to the users (Pattal et al,2009) . 2.3.1 Characteristics of Web 2.0 Web 2.0 has created a new revolution in the field of internet technology. But still there is a big confusion exist among the experts about the nature of web 2.0. Some have the opinion that there is no significant different between web 1.0 and web 2.0 but, others believe that it is a unique and revolutionary thing. By looking at the characteristics of this technology one can agree that it is different from other technologies that are existed before. Let us look at the key characteristics which clearly differentiate web 2.0 services from earlier technologies :(Chaffey, 2009) Network as platform: Unlike web 1.0, the web 2.0 has the ability to run the software application through the browsers with out installing it locally. Here the network act as a platform which host those applications. Rich user experience and open culture: One of the key benefits of web 2.0 is that,, it allow the reuse of the contents that are contributed by the others which encourage the people to share their knowledge to create an open culture .This freedom in knowledge sharing will encourage the user participation that can create a collective intelligence which can be beneficial to the company as well as to the society as a whole. Always beta: One of the key feature of web 2.0 is a continuous improvement . The services are constantly updated to improve the functionalities that are available in those services. Scalability: Wiki defines scalability as a desirable property of a system, a network, or a process, which indicates its ability to either handle growing amounts of work in a graceful manner. It also a key feature of web 2.0 that make it more efficient than its predecessors. Tagging: Rather than having to rely on use of formal classification systems (which may not be meaningful to many users) tags can be created by users. The tags, which may also be meaningful to their peers, provide communal ways of accessing Web resources. Embedding: Many examples of Web 2.0 services allow the content to be embedded in third party Web sites, blogs, etc. User interactive: Web 2.0 sites uses latest response technologies like AJAX , CSS in their sites which make them more user attractive and the use of these technologies make the website more dynamic which can incorporate more information in a given space. Simple design: Most of the Web 2.0 applications like social networking sites, photo sharing sites like Flicker etc are focused on single purpose which makes the users to understand the system quickly and the simple design enhance the usability of the system. 2.3.2 Web 2.0 Applications Web 2.0 contains variety of services and tools that enable the people to learn, communicate , and access information effectively. Here are some of the popular tools and services that are used to facilitate the collaboration among the users(Virkus,2008): Users can bookmark their favourite sites and can share that with other users. RSS: RSS stands for really simple syndication feeds. RSS feed give a typical way of updating the wide range of web users with the list of headlines, notices and the most current information that are updated automatically by the publisher. (Myhill et al, 2009). Open access repositories: It provides a new way of publishing so that information is available for the large range of interested audience specially it is usefull in assessing research where the researchers need high level of publicity. (Myhill et al, 2009) Blogs: Herring et al defines the Blog as, frequently modified web pages in which dated entries are listed in reverse chronological order and he specify that it can create a close connectivity among the bloggers who are linked with each other to comment on each others blogs . Also, a blog can function as an online journal which is written by individual or by a group of people , and the people who has the common interest can use the blogs as a tool to share , reflect and debate about this common topic within the community of practice (Baumer et al,2008) Podcasts and Video blogs: Geoghegan and Klass define podcasting as audio content available on the Internet that can be automatically delivered to your computer or MP3 player. The core of the podcasting is of creating audio or video contents for the audience in order for them to listen to it whenever that is convenient for them. The convenience in acquiring these contents relieve the users from the time spent on searching and downloading, and they can utilize this time on something more beneficial for the company. The most current developments in portable information like the iPod and smart phones have increased the popularity of podcasting among young professionals (Ractham and Zhang, 2006). The information relevant to any tasks undertaken by the employees is essential for them to complete them successfully. Therefore accessing the information with less effort will motivate the employees to accomplish their task with less cost. Through podcasting the relevant information like latest conferences regarding the current technologies and developments can be made available to the IT professionals, for them to access the task relevant information which will help them complete their tasks more efficiently with no rejection. 2.4 Enterprise 2.0 The enterprise social software is a very important component of enterprise 2.0 also known as ERP 2.0. It is social software that is used by the organizations to manage their internal and external communication. According to Carl Frappaolo and Dan Keldsen the Enterprise 2.0 can be defined as a system of web-based technologies that provide rapid and agile collaboration, information sharing, emergence and integration capabilities in the extended enterprise.(Wiki,2009). Generally the Web 2.0 refers to the technologies that are used to share information via internet, but the term Enterprise 2.0 is a specialized version of Web 2.0 which focus only on those platforms that companies can buy or build in order to make visible the practices and outputs of their knowledge workers. The technologies of Enterprise 2.0 such as search, links, authoring, tags and extensions provide an easy usability for the knowledge worker and it consist tools that can the help the knowledge work emerge from the workers which is an essential source for the productivity of the company.( McAfee, 2006). Over the years the initial novelty stage of Enterprise 2.0 has passed successfully by learning new things lessons through the challenges faced. Now the new practical focus is emerged on creating and managing of business communities, finding ways to deliver measurable business value and learning best ways through collaboration and social software. Many organizations are implementing enterprise 2.0 for their business which includes the components like enterprise social networking, wikis, and social CRM which can bring the potential benefits. (Hinchcliffe, 2009) . Research Design and Methodology 3.1 Introduction The research can give different meaning to different people. But simply research can be defined as a process of finding solutions to a problem after a thorough study and analysis of the situational factors( Sekaran and Bougie, 2003) . Any research can be categorised as academic or business research. The academic research is performed on scholar purpose which is not client oriented whereas, the business research is performed to investigate a specific problems in the work setting which are client oriented. The business research can be further classified as exploratory, descriptive and casual research based on the purpose of the research. The exploratory research is conducted to find out about any business opportunities, whereas the descriptive research is to describe the characteristics of people, groups, organizations or environments. But the purpose of casual research is to identify the cause and effect relationships. (Zikmund,2010) 3.2 Research process or Research methodology The research methodology or research process is influenced by the purpose of the research undertaken. Therefore it is very crucial to select an appropriate research process to attain successful results at the completion of the project. The study undertaken here follows a cyclic research process that contains a sequence of highly interrelated activities. As shown in the below figure, any research is started by selecting a research topic from the subject area related to your degree. Then further information has to be gathered about the topic by searching the literature of previous studies and other sources. Using the information gathered the general interest has to be narrowed down to a particular research problem that can be used to define the research questions. The next important step in the research process is the research design which starts with the research paradigm which is the framework that guides the research. After designing the research the relevant data should be collected using different data collection methods. According to the research paradigm the collected data should be analysed and presented in the thesis at the end of the research process. Choose a topic and search the Literature Review the literature and define the research problem /Research questions Design the research and write the proposal Collect the research data Analyse and interpret the research data Write the dissertation , thesis or research report Figure 3.1: Overview of Research process, Source: (Collis and Hussey,2009) 3.3 Research Approach The research process can be compared to a map, because there is no single right path that can be defined for a journey. The path one wants to take depends on where he wants to go and the resources that are allocated. Accordingly the research process that needs to be followed depends on the research undertaken and the resources and the time allocated to the specific project. (Zikmund, 2010) 3.4 Data collection methods Data collection methods are an important part of research design. The data that are collected during the research can be categorized as primary and secondary data. Primary data can be collected through the data collection methods like interviews and questionnaires whereas the secondary data can be gathered through books , periodicals ,government publications , media and company annual report. The time and cost can be saved through the use of secondary data but totally rely on the secondary data can have a risk of being obsolete (Sekaran and Bougie, 2010). 3.4.1 Interviewing Interviewing is one of the popular methods of collecting relevant data of the research undertaken. According to Kahn and Cannel the Interview can be defined as a discussion between two or more people. Interviews can be used to collect valid and reliable data which are relevant to the identified research questions and the objectives of the project. Interviews can be categorized as structured, semi structured or unstructured. Unstructured interviews dont contain any planned set of questions to be asked from the respondents. This will help to bring out some preliminary issues to the surface. Semi structured interviews are more flexible than the structured ones where the researcher got a theme of questions which can vary from one interview to the other. Finally the structured interviews are formal interviews which have identical standardized questions. A comprehensive study of CRM, CRM tools, Web2, ERP, and the importance of CRM in a retail outlet were carried through a literature survey. Questionnaire survey and interviews has been selected for the research methodology to conduct the selected research. The data that were collected through the questionnaires and interviews are recorded and the analysed under different criteria. At the end of the project time line, the findings of the research undertaken were presented in the final dissertation.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Erikson on Play Essay
In the Modern Theories lecture, all three theorists: Freud, Vygotsky, and Piaget developed different views on social play. Erik Eriksonââ¬â¢s play theory is similar to Vygotsky because Erikson viewed play as a necessary factor for social development. My extra credit paper is over the modern theorists. During the class lecture, I learned that Erik Erikson researched how the ego is the childââ¬â¢s personality and is responsible for a unified sense of self. Cognition and play was Piagetââ¬â¢s focus; Vygotsky researched a childââ¬â¢s ZPD development. Bruner researched his idea on problem solving. However, play is more way of working out personality formation a way of understanding and interpreting what a child is feeling. All three theorists were social researchers. However, Erik Erikson was most noted for his work in refining and expanding Freudââ¬â¢s theory of stages. He found out that adults do not play because they have reached the superego stage. Anna Freud and Lili Peller were two researchers who found out that play is a way of working out traumas and it is a basis of play therapy. Lili Peller researched how play is wish fulfillment; children have desires that they cannot fulfill, however, they play it out. Kids are working out their issues through toys. Play is a way of working out personality issues and understanding/interpreting how a child is feeling. Play is also a key feature of socialization. Corsaro developed the type of utterance reflects social status and creates social status. According to Gregory Bateson, the language of play is important; children give each other signals that play is going on. Bateson found out that the real and the unreal was not the here-and-now and the not present. Bateson agreed with others about what is going on. Children also create a ââ¬Å"frameâ⬠where play takes place; they step in and out of the frame using codes, signals and cues. Bateson also discovered that children also step in and out of the play frame using codes, signals and cues in ââ¬Å"as ifâ⬠activities. Millard Parten was the first lady to focus on how children progress in their social interactions in peers. Mildred Parten, Ph. D. ocused on Sociology (1929); her research focused on how children progress in their social interactions with peers. I learned and remember from the lecture that according to Erikson, children are able to self heal when they play it out where adults talk it out. In auto cosmic play: play begins and centers on the childââ¬â¢s own body. The childââ¬â¢s play is the infantile form of the human ability to deal with experiences by creating model situations and to master reality by experiment and planning. Partenââ¬â¢s theory lead me to believe that the uninvolved stage was the first level of social play participation. I enjoyed reading about Eriksonââ¬â¢s timeline of Auto cosmic, microsphere and macro sphere was Eriksonââ¬â¢s theory on how children develop in psychological stages. Auto cosmic play is playing with your own body verses in which infants play with their own bodies, and going on to a toy ââ¬Å"microsphere (the kind of play that is done with small toys),â⬠followed by the ââ¬Å"macro sphere: the kind of play that is done between childrenâ⬠of play with other children. â⬠Autocosmic Microsphereà Macrosphere play with body play with toys play with other children The diagram above is what I learned from the presentation. Corsaro researched how children communicate with each other and ââ¬Å"Language Serves as a way to form social groups and a hierarchy during playâ⬠and talked about a type of utterance that reflects social status and creates social status during play called Social Play Talk I questioned how play is a way of working out a personââ¬â¢s ideas on forming their own personality. Social play meant to me that it was one of the forms of a theoristââ¬â¢s ideas. Freud, Erikson, and Peller all influenced play therapy. I had a question about why Erikson found out that children had a trust vs mistrust stage when there was already an autonomy vs doubt stage. Lev Vygotskyââ¬â¢s theory on the ZPD made the most sense to me. Erikson built on Freudââ¬â¢s theory by elevating social factors over biological ones and Erikson also emphasized the id as the key to personality development. My view on social development changed from broad to specific after I read the pages on Vygotskyââ¬â¢s theory of the zone of proximal development. I understood more of why ââ¬Å"Play creates a zone of proximal development of the child. â⬠I learned that the child has different levels of development in different functions in social play. My understanding of theory changed because I became more aware of what children do in a social play setting. Cat Garveyââ¬â¢s theories fit into what I observed in childââ¬â¢s play because Garveyââ¬â¢s preparatory talk fits into Explicit Directions for pretend play. I understood that children need directions to do a task (word puzzle). Signals also factored into how children decide to play. I found that signals can be very helpful in understanding childrenââ¬â¢s play. My favorite play talk lead me to believe Garvey was identifying the way children can transform the environment (playhouse into kitchen) and nything they can enact on. The different ways that kids are using language to create the scenario. Boys do not really use prep talk; girls are more likely to use prep talk ââ¬Å"letââ¬â¢s play houseâ⬠. I did not see any theory that was not play related, however, Garveyââ¬â¢s play theory was NOT helpful in explaining other types of nonverbal play and games. Eac h theoristââ¬â¢s ideas were based off of their own philosophy and beliefs that play were relevant to childrenââ¬â¢s purpose and context in social development. I was impressed that the modern theorists had some idea to describe and understand childrenââ¬â¢s social experiences.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Ambrose Bierceââ¬â¢s short story ââ¬ÅChickamaugaââ¬Â Essay
Ambrose Bierceââ¬â¢s Chickamauga is a disillusioned childââ¬â¢s awakening. Literally, a six year old deaf boy is thrown into a most horrifically traumatic series of events. His story is relayed in the third person omniscient perspective through the eyes of the child as well as an elder. It takes place during the Civil War in a southern town. Chickamauga begins with the boyââ¬â¢s entrance into the forest where he goes to play solitarily. With him he carries a toy wooden sword with which he battles imaginary enemies to their deaths. Lost in his adventure the boy grows tired and falls asleep between two rocks deep in the woods. While he is a sleep a battle occurs unbeknownst to him. Several hours later the child wakes up and notices alien figures crawling towards him. Without knowing the gravity of the situation occurring before his oblivious eyes, he makes a game of it all. The child assumes a leader position for what he has finally determined to be men, and guides them towards a red light. The red light turns out to be his house on fire. When the child finally reaches the fire he is particularly amused by the raging spectacle. He searches desperately for fuel and finally commits his toy sword to the fire. Suddenly the boy realizes that fire is his own home. Horrified he studies the ghastly scene. He then stumbles upon his brutally murdered mother. The small child gets extremely upset, and at this point the reader learns that child is a deaf-mute. The story can be divided into three essential stages, representational of the boyââ¬â¢s progression from innocence to forced maturity. The boy advances through innocence, progression to familiarity with reality, and awakening. The small child enters the forest joyfully and carelessly, he leaves with tremendous fear, depression, and realization. The forest is symbolic of middle ground between innocence and h orrible reality. The six year old enters the forest as an innocent child with no experience in reality. All of his days until this one have been a candy coated fantasy. Heââ¬â¢s spent numerous hours reading and learning about the glories and fairy tale aspects of war with his father. This little boy was born into warrior-blood. All of his predecessors were soldiers including his father. He enjoyed learning about war. However, the fatal mistake of this six yearà old little boyââ¬â¢s life was his active interest in combat. It was his interest which led him deep into the forest playing, battling fantasy foes. His fight, his game, his reality until this point in his life was fabricated. The reader gets a real sense of his naivety when he encounters a rabbit and is terrified. Maybe the child has never seen a rabbit before, or maybe he has seen one viewed in a dark light. All facts of this boyââ¬â¢s life until this fateful journey into the woods have been given to him. The knowledge he possessed was second hand; it seems as though heââ¬â¢d never experienced anything himself. His father had delivered all of the information the boy held through books, which ironically glorified war. This childââ¬â¢s tragic encounter with war was so foreign and inconceivable to him that when it so brutally hit him he doesnââ¬â¢t even realize it. The woods in Chickamauga symbolize the cruelty of reality. At his entrance into the forest, this completely innocent six year old begins his journey towards the horrors that await him. When the boy is in the forest he cries himself asleep, terrified of the new and unfamiliar paths heââ¬â¢s traveled. While heââ¬â¢s asleep a battle occurs and his house is set on fire. However the child is deaf so he does not hear what is going on. Finally he wakes up to see what look like animals, which in actuality are the soldiers retreating from the battle that has just occurred, and becomes innately curious. He did not understand what they were, he didnââ¬â¢t know whether they were dogs, horses, bears, he had no idea. As they got closer he ââ¬Å"saw little but that these were men, yet crept like babies.â⬠This fact intrigued him. As he inspected the men he laughed at their unfamiliar state, and related them to clowns heââ¬â¢d seen in a circus. Their bloody faces reminded him of the paint on the clownsââ¬â¢ faces. This optimistic association reveals his ignorance of what actually happened. He then recalled that at his home the Negroes had crawled on their hands and knees for his entertainment. He thought it to be a good, fun idea to attempt to ââ¬Å"rideâ⬠one of the soldiers. The child gets a thrust into reality when he is thrown off the man and subsequently forced to see his mangled face. When the boy looks at the man he sees ââ¬Å"a face that lacked a lower jawââ¬âfrom the upper teeth to the throat was a great red gap fringed with hanging shreds of flesh and splinters of bone.â⬠The reader gets a real sense of the childââ¬â¢s naivety when the child is only slightlyà disturbed, as he had been with the rabbit. This forces the child to take a slightly more somber view of the situation. However even after this horrific encounter the boy is still fairly oblivious to what is happening. He witnesses death all around him. When the child sees the soldiers lying dead in the water, ââ¬Å"his eyes expanded with wonder; even his hospitable understanding could not accept a phenomenon implying such vitality as that.â⬠It was not in the childââ¬â¢s range of conception to even take in such horror. It is after this encounter with the garbled soldier that the boy catches sight of the red light which guides him to his miserable fate. After obtaining a more serious perception of the state of affairs, the boy positions himself as leader of the soldiers. It seems at this point that the child has gained some insight into reality from the grotesqueness of the bloody soldiers, but still significantly less than a more aware, less naive person would have acquired. This becomes apparent when the boy is at the fire and enjoys its flaring spectacle to no end. The boy is ecstatic and dances with the flames devouring his house. He even tries to fuel it. The boy searches around the yard for objects to throw in, all are too heavy. He is finally forced to surrender his sword. With his sword the child surrenders his innocence. Suddenly with no warning or cause the boyââ¬â¢s disillusion detonates and reality afflicts him. He realizes that the fire is his own house. Horrified at his abrupt realization the boy runs ââ¬Å"with stumbling feet,â⬠frightened at what he is witnessing. At this point he encounters his mother. He sees her with ââ¬Å"the clothing deranged, the long dark hair in tangles and full of clotted blood. The greater part of the forehead was torn away, and from the jagged hole the brain protruded, overflowing the temple, a frothy mass of gray, crowned with clusters of crimson bubbles.â⬠This is his final jolt that forces him to the rock-bottom, ultimate darkness of reality. This sight of his mother, probably raped, brutally murdered jerks him into shock. Traumatized, the young boy ââ¬Å"moved his little hands, making wild, uncertain gestures. He uttered a series of inarticulate and indescribable cries.â⬠This is his horrible awakening. Chickamauga is representational not only of the boyââ¬â¢s awakening, but of human awakening as well. The childââ¬â¢s initial entry into the forest is symbolic ofà every journey we take as humans into the unknown. In the forest he acquired immense amounts of insight into what reality could be, but had trouble comprehending the severity of what he was witnessing. It was not until the trauma personally affected him that the small child was struck with what actually happened. This is parallel for most humans in their experiences with trauma. Trauma is real and depressing when it is witnessed personally by someone, but when it is inflicted upon someone we know or love it becomes so intensely real that it is impossible to grasp. This impossible conception is analogous to the small boyââ¬â¢s incoherent cries and gestures at the end. The theft of this childââ¬â¢s innocence was slow and unperceivable in the forest, but most definitely contributed to the final jolt the child felt at the end. The boy slowly progressed towards reality, and when it finally clicked it was appalling.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Abortion Persuasive Essay - 1117 Words
To begin with, there has always been a huge issue with the topic of abortion, why? Well, itââ¬â¢s a tough subject and can get extremely emotional and very defensive. Honestly, people just need to open up their eyeââ¬â¢s and understand that its murder and not just a choice. It is murder because two can create a blessing and the choice of aborting it, is more like a sacrifice for the reason a mother canââ¬â¢t carry a baby for nine months. Whether a person is a teen, young adult, or an adult and is in a horrible situation that believes they cannot proceed with the pregnancy, they should know there are other options. Teens aborting an unborn baby is not a choice and should be banned because it is wrong without parental consent, the rights of a child, andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Of course a child does not have more rights than her mother.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (The..). With that being said, both the child and mother have the right to live, but the womanââ¬â¢s right to live is not a problem because her life is not in danger as her baby is. Thirdly, aborting an unwanted baby is considered murder being to the fact that, a mother is sacrificing that childââ¬â¢s life for their own good because of the circumstances they are dealing with. Patrick Johnston is director of the Association of Pro-Life Physicians, a professional organization for physicians who oppose abortion reported, ââ¬Å"Its a commandment that even mass murderers keep most of the time. They just make an exception every now and then. The devil doesnt want to overthrow Gods lawââ¬âhe just wants you to make an exception. Our exceptions to Gods commandments, however, are indeed a challenge to Gods authority and an assault against His Word-law. If you make an exception to the commandment Thou shalt not murder then in that instance, you have violated itâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Abortionâ⬠¦). On the other hand, supporters of abortion may argue that because it is their body they can have an abortion without parental consent, that it is pro-choice, and have other p riorities. Cynthia Dailard and Chinue Turner Richardson, are authors of the Guttmacher Report on Public Policy, they have endorsed, ââ¬Å"Parents generally have the legal authority to make medical decisions on behalf of their minor children, on the basis thatShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay About Abortion993 Words à |à 4 Pagesin two peoples perspectives. The story consisted of a daughter (Deb) and motherââ¬â¢s perspective after the death of her father. The purpose of this layout is to show how they are both grieving in individual ways. Writing for the persuasive was presented as an essay on why abortion should be accessible in every country, and to also outline the shame women receive. Purpose Purpose for writing publication- Purpose for writing a real-estate article was to inform a potential buyer on the house showed. AlsoRead MoreAbortion Persuasive Essay1119 Words à |à 5 Pages To begin with, there has always been an extensive issue with the topic of abortion, why? Well, itââ¬â¢s a tough subject and can get extremely emotional and very defensive. Honestly, people just need to open up their eyeââ¬â¢s and understand that its murder and not just a choice. It is murder because two can create a blessing and the choice of aborting it, is more like a sacrifice for the reason a mother canââ¬â¢t carry a baby for nine months. Whether a person is a minor, young adult, or an adult and is inRead MoreAbortion Persuasive Essay755 Words à |à 4 Pagesinstead these babies are torn limb by limb, burned, and many other tortuous methods to end the precious life. Abortion is murder and is not only very cruel to the unborn baby but it also harms the mother. Pro-choice is an escape from the harsh reality that a baby is being murdered, and in my eyes a life should only be terminated if God himself is ready to call them home. One reason why abortion is wrong is because they are many other safe solutions that would give the child a chance at life. AdoptionRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion917 Words à |à 4 PagesAbortions in Texas consist of ending a pregnancy of an unborn child before it can live out of the mother womb. However if the pregnancy ends not on purpose before the twenty four week mark then technically it would be considered a miscarriage. Though inducing the abortion on purpose has caused a lot of controversy over the past century. Deliberately putting people on one of two sides of this issues, of either being for it, which would be considered Pro Choice. Or in the other category of the ProRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion1635 Words à |à 7 Pagessolve this issue the option of abortion was brought to the forefront by scientists and advocates such as Dan Savage who mentioned that abortion should be mandatory for the next 30 years in or to control the population. (Ertlet) For countri es such as the U.S. with a growth rate being 1.6%, the proposal of widespread abortion is highly recommended as mentioned by obstetricians and gynecologists. (MumfordKessel) Who now leaves the question as to if the option of abortion should be used as a means ofRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion1228 Words à |à 5 Pagesmillion pregnancies each year in the United States, 1.6 million end up in abortionâ⬠(Hern). Because of the numerous traumatic psychological, physical, and overall irresponsible behavior or actions constantly encouraged due to abortion, it should be banned, and forever illegal. Killing oneââ¬â¢s own fetus has been linked to psychological distress which has been channeled into many different cases of substance abuse. ââ¬Å"Induced abortion has been linked to increased rates of substance abuse, especially amongRead MoreAbortion Persuasive Essay804 Words à |à 4 Pagesfamily with someone. Often times accidents happen in which people didnââ¬â¢t plan for, and can lead to many financial problems or neglect of oneââ¬â¢s child because the parents werenââ¬â¢t prepared to be parents. This is why there should be the option of abortion. Abortion needs to be an option for everyone because it helps from long lasting mental states, infection, economical problems, and or having conceived from a non consensual circumstance. Pregnancy is a hard and unforgiving to the womanââ¬â¢s body. In factRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion954 Words à |à 4 Pagesand nations who destroy life by abortion and euthanasia are the poorest. I do not say legal or illegal, but I think that no human hand should be raised to kill life, since life is Godââ¬â¢s life in us, even in an unborn child.â⬠Do you know what abortion really is? Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus. Abortion seems to be more common in todayââ¬â¢s society. Numerous amounts of individuals support abortion, and do not realize how it affectsRead MoreAbortion Persuasive Essay736 Words à |à 3 Pagesfavor of abortion rights. The decision was 7-2, it stated that it showed a ââ¬Å"right of privacy.â⬠Abortions have been performed for thousands of years all around the world, even though many women died from it. Women nowadays have a choice of whether they want to get an abortion. Abortions do come with risk, one of them being death, but women should still have a right and say what they want to do with pregnancy and not be judged by others for doing so. Today the debate across the world is if abortion shouldRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion1321 Words à |à 6 Pagessomeone who may be suicidal or who is suicidal himself/herself. As for taking away fetusââ¬â¢ lives, the damage that abortion makes on life can be proven with the statistics. According to Casey, ââ¬Å"over the past 44 years, one-sixth (60,000,000) of the American population has been killed by elective abortion. Twenty-five percent of African-Americans are killed in the womb America,â⬠(Should Abortion Be Legal n.p.). The figure 60,000,000 is a depressing number considering that these children could have been future
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